

There are 8 neurology specialists and one electrophysiology specialist working in our cilinic.

  • Migraine and all headaches, epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases (cerebral hemorrhage, strokes), dizziness (vertigo), neuropathy (diapetic neuropathy and other neuropathies) and low back pain (spinal discopathy) are successfully diagnosed and treated. 
  • Imaging methods, using latest medical technology, are available. MR imaging, diffusion MR and MR angiography are used to visualize blood flow. We also have computerized tomography and CT angiography methods and doppler ultrasonography.
  • In our inpatient services, vasodilating treatments that can be applied at a very early stage of cerebral vascular occlusion can be performed. We have also Stroke Unit for patients with stroke. It is staffed by a multidisciplinary team with special knowledge in stroke care.
  • In our electrophysiology department, anal sphincter problems, the diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis, ALS and other motor neuron diseases can be diagnosed.