

In our unit, there are 16 (level III) and 6 (Level I) neonatal intensive care beds. Necessary treatments can be applied to big babies (macrosomia) as well as babies born prematurely and with low birth weight in our hospital. Also advanced care for; premature babies, babies of diabetic mothers, babies who swallowed meconium in the uterus (meconium aspiration syndrome), babies with congenital anomalies, babies who are at high risk as a result of difficult birth; can be provided in our unit. To our patients, all kinds of respiratory and nutritional support are provided. Also, exchange transfusion,thorax tube applications and phototerapy (neonatal hepatitis -jaundice- light therapy) can be successfully administered. In required patients, percutaneous catheter, many intensive care interventions such as bedside ultrasound examinations can be performed.