
  1. We have 7 gynecology and obstetrics specialists working actively in our clinic.

    • Outpatient and inpatient care services.
    • A gynecology and obstetrics specialist works in our hospital 24 hours, can be reached 24/7 when necessary for gynecologic patients who apply to the emergency service.
    • Pregnancy follow-up and gynecological patient follow-up, all hormone tests and hormonal disorders can be followed up.
    • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases can also be done.
    • We have the opportunity to examine with ultrasound in polyclinic conditions.
    • Cervical cell sampling (cervical screening, cervical smear) can be done.
    • Endoscopic (closed surgical) methods like laparoscopic hysterectomy are successfully applied in our clinic.
    • Ovarian cyst surgeries and surgeries related to urinary incontinence can be performed.
    • Colposcopy and cautery devices used in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical diseases are available in our clinic.
    • Our delivery unit is in the concept of mother and baby friendly, and the delivery process is carried out in single rooms for each patient. A midwife is assigned to each patient